Writing Center
The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE): ACE is a tutoring center on campus that provides assistance specifically related to writing in the humanities. They will review a draft of your work in advance of due dates to help you with grammar, punctuation, paragraph structure, or other writing issues. They accept drop-ins, but it is preferred and more effective if you make an appointment to work with a writing tutor for one or regular meetings in advance of any due dates so that you can prepare any written drafts in advance of your appointment. They also offer general writing and academic skills workshops on a regular basis. To obtain more information, visit their website http://www.lehman.edu/issp or call ACE at 718-960-8175.
Leonard Lief Library
The Leonard Lief Library is your go-to resource for research in this class! Get acquainted with it and be sure to reach out to a librarian if you need help finding or accessing something. You can live chat with a librarian 24/7, visit in person or email during Library hours, and make a consultation request using this form if you need more extensive assistance with your research.
Mental Health and Wellness
Your mental health and wellness are extremely important. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed for any reason, please consider reaching out to the campus Counseling Center. The Center provides free and confidential services in a safe environment. You can call 718-960-8761 or email [email protected] to set up a virtual appointment, and the Counseling Center is located in the Old Gym Room 114.