Research Paper

You’ll start with a formal visual analysis (2 pages long) of one object created during the time period and geographical confines of our course. Your draft paper should engage at least 2-3 scholarly sources, and will be shared in class for peer feedback. The goal of your final, polished paper (4-5 pages long) is to craft an argument about why this artwork is considered “modern.” All papers can be submitted on Blackboard (either as a Word document or PDF) before class time on the due date. For all, use: Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced with 1” margins, Chicago Manual Style, Notes-Bibliography citations.

Visual Analysis Paper Guidelines
Final Research Paper Guidelines
Tips for Art History Research

Chicago Style Guide


Visual Analysis:
“How to do visual (formal) analysis” (SmartHistory)
Art History Writing Handout (UNC)
Sample Formal Analysis Papers (UA Little Rock)

Research Paper:
Guide to Art and Art History Research (Leonard Lief Library)
How to Cite in Chicago Style (Video Tutorial)
Chicago Manual of Style Online, Notes-Bibliography Format
Chicago Style Guide General Format (Purdue OWL)
Sample Chicago Style Paper #1 (Purdue OWL)
Sample Chicago Style Paper #2 (Pike’s Peak Community College)

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